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The Ominous Gateway: Exploring the Spiritual Perils of the Ouija Board, Halloween, and Other Dark Practices, Particularly for Children

The Ominous Gateway: Exploring the Spiritual Perils of the Ouija Board, Halloween, and Other Dark Practices, Particularly for Children

by Pastor Warren Lamb, Retired USMC, TILBC


When I was growing up in the late 50s and early 60s, our family was not like other families. We were not regular church attenders, and God was not much of a topic of conversation—except when my father used His name to curse one of us. We attended a Lutheran church from time to time, but it was not an important part of our lives.

In those days, it was not uncommon for families to have large coffee tables in their living rooms, replete with decorative ashtrays and a large family Bible or picture album. The Bible would be a heavy tome with gilt-edged pages and the family tree going back several generations written on the provided pages. The family album would have a collection of favorite photographs carefully mounted to the black paper pages with adhesive-backed corner holders precisely holding the pictures in symmetrical columns and rows.

In our home, right in the middle of our very large coffee table, was a Ouija board that was used regularly by family members, friends, and visitors. Even the children—me especially—were fascinated by how this mystifying board game worked and whether what we thought was happening really was.

With the Zen Buddhism, Shinto, and Shamanism that were part of our family’s spiritual mix blended in with the Ouija board and my mother’s monthly seances, I grew pretty familiar with the demonic and all things spiritual. So much so that, in my adult years, I was heavily involved in Eastern mysticism and some very dark, demonic practices.

My mother’s seances became more frequent as Halloween approached, and October was a month when they occurred almost daily. Of course, Halloween night was the ultimate séance experience with all kinds of goings on from "the other side." The celebrating of terror, death, and the demonic came to a head that night, and many nights before and afterward were filled with terrifying nightmares—as well as my bedroom being party-central for the familiar spirits that had become my steady companions.

Sometimes, I half-joke that I had real monsters under my bed and in my closet. Truth be told, real entities visited me often, and we became quite familiar with each other.

When one or another of them would frighten me more than usual, I called out for my mother—usually during one of her seances or when she and her friends were using the Ouija board. She would come in, sit on the edge of my bed, and say, "They aren’t real. You’re just having a bad dream."

Looking around my room, I would sometimes see my visitors move into the shadows as if to not be so obvious. Frequently, they would disappear as soon as she opened my door. She would hug me, tuck me back in, and then leave the room, slowly closing the door behind her.

"My mom says you aren’t real," I would tell the dark entities when they drifted back into view after she left. Some nights they would drift away again. Other nights they would harass me in various ways that left me feeling both terrified and crazy. Over time, as I became more purposefully and intentionally involved with dark spiritual practices, those visitors were replaced by even darker forces. But that’s the subject of another article one day.

The Banality of Evil

The mysterious allure of the Ouija board and the forces of darkness have captivated countless individuals for generations, sparking fascination and intrigue. Often marketed as a harmless game, the Ouija board serves as a conduit for communication with spirits from beyond. It also creates a comfortable acceptance of things God forbids His people to be involved in.

However, beneath the innocuous appearance of the Ouija board lie real spiritual dangers, particularly when introduced to impressionable young minds. In this article, we explore the spiritual perils associated with the Ouija board, focusing on its impact on children. Because the evil inherent to devices and practices like this one are so unobvious, it serves as an accessible gateway to even more spiritually and psychologically dangerous practices later in life.

Ephesians 6:12 highlights the existence of spiritual forces that are dangerous and destructive and warns against engaging with them. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

Understanding the Ouija Board

The Ouija board, also known as a spirit board or talking board, is a flat board with letters, numbers, and other symbols arranged in a grid. It employs a small, heart-shaped device supported by small casters called a planchette, which is placed on the board's surface. Participants lightly place their fingers on the planchette and relax their muscles. This allows the planchette to move seemingly of its own accord, spelling out messages from the spirit world. It is believed that the participants connect with entities beyond the physical realm, seeking answers to questions posed during the session. This has always been the purpose of the Ouija board—nothing else.

The Power of Belief and Intention

The powerful influence of belief and intention lies at the heart of the spiritual dangers associated with the Ouija board. For children, who are inherently curious and open-minded (especially about spiritual things), the lines between reality and imagination can blur more easily. This is particularly true for children until they are between five and eight years old, when they can adequately distinguish between reality and fantasy.

Engaging with the Ouija board can inadvertently create a strong belief in and bond to the supernatural and otherworldly, especially that which is demonic and not of God. Such beliefs can impact how their understanding of the world is shaped, potentially leading them to attribute every unexplained occurrence to the influence of spirits. Over time, this can hinder their critical thinking and intelligent inquiry and inure them to the Holy Spirit as the preferred spiritual voice.

Add participation in Halloween to the lives of these young innocents, and you have a protocol that teaches children to desensitize themselves to the prompting of the Holy Spirit because they have learned that the spiritual things God forbids are just a game, not really forbidden. I have watched parents and grandmothers chastise children in line at the store for being terrified of some Halloween decoration or costume. They treat the child as if the natural sensitivity toward evil is rebellion and not a gift from God. (See Matthew 18:6-8, 10.)

Scripture emphasizes the importance of guiding children on the right path and shaping their beliefs and intentions from an early age. "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it" (Proverbs 22:6).

Unintended Contact and Demonic Entities

Children, in their innocence, usually lack the discernment necessary to differentiate between benevolent and malevolent spirits. The Ouija board lacks safeguards to prevent unwanted contact with the demonic. In fact, it was an occult device long before it was deemed a board game.

Consequently, people—especially children—unknowingly invite demonic entities into their lives, often leading to emotional distress, fearfulness, timidity, and even harm to their very souls. The inability to control the spirits they connect with often leads to unexpected and destructive consequences. While involvement with the Ouija board is a direct line to the spirit world, participation in Halloween activities often provides an indirect line to the demonic. Both, however, incorporate many of the spiritual practices forbidden by God. We will discuss these in a moment.

Ephesians 5:11–12 advises believers to have no fellowship with the "fruitless deeds of darkness" but to expose them. It also emphasizes living as children of light and walking in the light. And in 1 John 1:5–7, John emphasizes that God is light and that believers should walk in the light, implying a contrast with darkness. It further suggests that fellowship with God involves walking in the light and being cleansed from sin. These passages and others teach us that participating in "deeds of darkness" puts us at odds with God.

Emotional Vulnerability and Manipulation

Children often possess heightened emotional vulnerability, making them susceptible to manipulation. Whether real or imagined, entities may exploit this vulnerability to gain influence over a child’s thoughts, emotions, and actions. The Ouija board’s communication process, facilitated through the planchette’s movements, can be understood as a form of manipulation that reinforces the notion of external spiritual control. Such manipulation may impede children’s personal growth and autonomy and make them easy prey for others to manipulate them in life.

Encouraging self-discipline and discernment can help children resist manipulation and maintain emotional resilience. "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline" 2 Timothy 1:7.

Blurring the Boundary Between Realities

Engaging with the Ouija board may lead children to perceive the boundary between the physical and spiritual worlds as fluid. This perception can result in an inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy, potentially impacting their cognitive development and decision-making abilities. A distorted sense of reality may lead to difficulties in school, social interactions, and other areas of life. We need to help children develop discernment between deception and truth. We do this by following and teaching them to "see to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit based on human tradition, based on the elemental forces of the world, and not based on Christ" (Colossians 2:8).

Fear and Psychological Impact

The experience of using the Ouija board can trigger fear and anxiety, particularly in children who are more prone to imaginative thinking. The unpredictability of the planchette’s movements and the potential for unsettling or distressing messages can leave a lasting psychological impact. Persistent exposure to fear-inducing situations may contribute to the development of anxiety disorders or other psychological issues. There are many reported cases where the psychological and spiritual impact has been devastating—even criminal.[1]

"I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears" (Psalm 34:4). This scripture reminds us of the importance of seeking God for deliverance from fear and anxiety, not anyone or anything else—including the Ouija board.

Influence on Belief Systems

Children are forming their belief systems and worldviews from the moment they are born—everything they are exposed to forms and shapes their interpretive matrix. Exposure to the Ouija board's mysticism and supernatural elements can significantly influence these developing belief structures to be familiar and comfortable with the occult in varying degrees. This leads to confusion about spiritual matters, religious beliefs, and the nature of reality. Parents and guardians may find it challenging to guide children through these complex matters when they have been influenced by the misleading and often dangerous messages received through the Ouija board.

When they are encouraged to be involved in the spiritually dangerous and forbidden activities celebrated as "fun" at Halloween, they are also encouraged to disregard God’s wisdom and lean on the wisdom of the world and the devil.


We are to encourage children to trust in God and seek His guidance to help shape their belief systems in a healthy and God-honoring way. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths. Don’t consider yourself to be wise; fear the Lord and turn away from evil" (Proverbs 3:5–7).

While the Ouija board continues to intrigue and captivate individuals, especially children, it is crucial to recognize and understand its spiritual dangers. The impressionable minds of children make them particularly susceptible to the perils associated with engaging in activities that involve the supernatural. Blurring boundaries between reality and imagination, unintended contact with demonic entities, emotional vulnerability, and the potential for long-lasting psychological impact underscore the need for responsible guidance and education.

Parents, guardians, and educators play a vital role in protecting children from the spiritual dangers of the Ouija board. Open and honest conversations about spirituality, critical thinking, and the genuine risks associated with such activities are essential in empowering children to make biblically informed decisions and navigate the complex realm of the supernatural. By fostering a sense of discernment and encouraging healthy curiosity that employs God’s Word as the determining factor, we can help safeguard our children from the spiritual hazards behind the Ouija board's mystique.


A Little History

The shift from a tool associated with spiritualist practices to a commercialized game was driven by a combination of factors, including changes in cultural attitudes, marketing strategies, taxation, and the broader context of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

The Ouija board's transformation into a game was primarily influenced by the following factors:

  1. Commercialization and Market Demand: As interest in spiritualism and communicating with the spirit world grew in the late nineteenth century, individuals sought ways to engage with these concepts. Entrepreneurs recognized an opportunity to capitalize on this interest by developing and marketing devices that claimed to facilitate communication with spirits. The Ouija board was part of this trend.
  2. Taxation: Since the Ouija board was promoted and accepted as a game instead of as a tool used in spiritual practices, it was eligible to be taxed as entertainment instead of protected as part of a faith system’s ritual tools.
  3. Broader Cultural Trends: The late nineteenth century was marked by a fascination with the occult, paranormal phenomena, and the unknown. This cultural milieu contributed to the popularity of spiritualism and practices associated with contacting the spirit world. The Ouija board fit into this context, and its design as a game allowed it to cater to the broader cultural interest in mystery and the supernatural.
  4. Marketing and Branding: The successful commercialization of the Ouija board involved strategic marketing and branding efforts. To appeal to a wider audience, entrepreneurs positioned the Ouija board as a parlor game rather than a tool for spiritual communication. This shift in branding helped dissociate the Ouija board from its original spiritualist associations.
  5. Legitimacy and Acceptance: Presenting the Ouija board as a game also contributed to its acceptance and legitimacy among a broader range of consumers. By distancing the board from spiritualism, manufacturers could navigate potential controversies and attract a larger customer base.

Overall, the transition of the Ouija board from a tool used in attempts to communicate with spirits to a popular parlor game was influenced by a combination of market dynamics, cultural trends, marketing strategies, and societal attitudes toward the supernatural.


Forbidden Spiritual Practices in Scripture

Throughout the Old Testament, God provides clear guidance to His people regarding forbidden spiritual practices. In Deuteronomy 18:10–12, He explicitly warns against engaging in practices that attempt to communicate with the spirit world:

Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.

These verses underscore God's prohibition of activities that seek to establish contact with the spirit realm through mediums, diviners, and other supernatural means. Though marketed as a game, the Ouija board shares similarities with these practices, as it involves attempting to communicate with entities beyond the physical realm. While not explicitly mentioned in ancient texts, the principles underlying the Ouija board's function align with the forbidden practices condemned in Deuteronomy 18.

Children with curious and impressionable minds are especially susceptible to the allure of such practices. Parents must recognize the parallels between the Ouija board and the spiritual practices prohibited in Scripture. Engaging in activities that mimic the forbidden practices of the past can have profound implications on a child's spiritual journey and worldview.

Definitions and Modern Parallels

Let's explore the definitions and modern parallels of the forbidden spiritual practices mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:10–12, as well as their contemporary manifestations:

  1. Sacrificing Children in the Fire:
    • Definition: This refers to the horrific practice of offering children as sacrifices, often in the context of pagan rituals and cult worship.
    • Modern Parallel: While direct child sacrifices are not a common occurrence in modern times, the concept can be metaphorically applied to the abortion, exploitation, abuse, and neglect of children in various forms, including child trafficking, child labor, and child abuse.
  2. Divination and Sorcery:
    • Definition: Divination involves seeking knowledge or guidance from supernatural or occult means, such as using objects or rituals to foretell the future or gain insights. Sorcery consists of using magic or supernatural powers for personal gain or manipulating outcomes.
    • Modern Parallels: Practices like astrology, tarot card reading, crystal gazing, and palmistry can be considered modern forms of divination. Additionally, the pursuit of supernatural powers or magic for personal benefit can be seen in various forms of occultism and New Age beliefs.
  3. Interpreting Omens:
    • Definition: Interpreting omens involves assigning meaning to seemingly random events or occurrences as signs or indicators of future events.
    • Modern Parallel: Modern parallels include superstitions and belief in signs, such as believing that specific numbers, events, or occurrences have predictive or symbolic significance.
  4. Witchcraft:
    • Definition: Witchcraft involves the practice of magic, often focusing on invoking spirits or supernatural forces to influence events or manipulate outcomes.
    • Modern Parallels: Neo-pagan and Wiccan practices involve elements of witchcraft, including spells, rituals, and the invocation of spiritual entities for various purposes.
  5. Casting Spells:
    • Definition: Casting spells refers to using spoken or written words, rituals, or incantations to invoke specific supernatural effects or outcomes.
    • Modern Parallels: Modern parallels include various forms of spellcasting found in witchcraft, paganism, and occult practices, where specific words or actions are believed to have power to influence events.
  6. Mediums and Spiritists:
    • Definition: Mediums and spiritists claim to have the ability to communicate with the spirits of the deceased or other supernatural entities.
    • Modern Parallels: Psychic mediums who claim to communicate with the dead and those who offer to contact spirits or provide messages from beyond fall under this category.
  7. Consulting the Dead:
    • Definition: Consulting the dead involves seeking guidance or messages from deceased individuals.
    • Modern Parallels: Practices like séances, where individuals gather to communicate with the spirits of the departed or attempt to contact deceased loved ones through spiritualists (or the Ouija board), share similarities with consulting the dead.

Several of the forbidden spiritual practices mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:10–12 have modern parallels that relate specifically to the Ouija board and its dangers:

  1. Divination and Sorcery:
    • Relation to Ouija Board: The Ouija board is often used as a tool for divination, seeking guidance or insights from supernatural entities. Participants believe they are communicating with spirits and receiving answers to their questions. This parallels the divination practices of seeking supernatural knowledge or guidance.
  2. Witchcraft:
    • Relation to Ouija Board: Engaging with the Ouija board can involve elements of witchcraft, as participants attempt to invoke or communicate with spirits using rituals and supernatural means. This is reminiscent of witchcraft, which uses magic and supernatural powers to influence events.
  3. Mediums and Spiritists:
    • Relation to Ouija Board: The Ouija board is often used as a means to communicate with spirits, which aligns with the role of mediums and spiritists who claim to have the ability to communicate with the deceased or other supernatural entities.
  4. Consulting the Dead:
    • Relation to Ouija Board: The primary purpose of the Ouija board is to seek communication with spirits, including deceased individuals. This mirrors the practice of consulting the dead, as participants use the board to receive messages and guidance from beyond the physical realm.
  5. Casting Spells:
    • Relation to Ouija Board: While the Ouija board does not involve casting spells in the traditional sense, it does entail invoking spirits and seeking their influence or guidance. This can be seen as attempting to manipulate outcomes through supernatural means, akin to casting spells.

It's important to note that the Ouija board is a contemporary object that shares similarities with several of these forbidden practices. While some people may view it as a harmless game, its underlying purpose of attempting to communicate with spirits and gain supernatural insights aligns with the principles behind the practices prohibited in Deuteronomy 18. This is why many religious and spiritual perspectives caution against its use, particularly for children, who are much more susceptible to its spiritual dangers.

Understanding these modern parallels helps shed light on how the forbidden spiritual practices of the past can manifest in contemporary times. Consider how often these forbidden practices are packaged as fun play, especially at Halloween. It's important to note that while some modern practices may seem innocuous or even fashionable, they may still involve elements that align with the ancient prohibitions found in Deuteronomy 18:10–12.

Safeguarding Children

In light of the ancient warnings found in Deuteronomy 18 and other relevant passages, it becomes even more critical to safeguard children from the allure of the Ouija board and Halloween.

The guidance provided by God in the Old Testament serves as a timeless reminder of the spiritual dangers that lurk behind practices that attempt to communicate with the spirit realm. By educating children about these biblical principles and emphasizing the importance of discernment and spiritual discernment, parents can play a pivotal role in nurturing their children's faith and protecting them from involvement in occult-oriented practices and their harmful influences.

In conclusion, the forbidden spiritual practices of the Old Testament, particularly as outlined in Deuteronomy 18, provide a profound backdrop for understanding the potential perils of the Ouija board, especially for children. By integrating the wisdom of Scripture with a thoughtful examination of the Ouija board's spiritual implications, we can equip ourselves with the knowledge needed to guide children toward a spiritually healthy and discerning path.

A Case Study

One day in early October several years ago, my wife was traveling for business and was seated on the airplane next to a young man who seemed quiet and pleasant. They said hellos; then my wife busied herself with getting a project ready to work on during the flight.

Shortly after take-off, the flight attendant came and asked them what they would like for their evening meal (one of the perks of flying first class). My wife chose the chicken, but her seatmate said, "Nothing for me; I’m fasting."

My wife was intrigued, and when the flight attendant walked away, my wife turned to the young man. "I heard you say that you are fasting. Are you a Christian?"

"Nothing of the kind," was the reply. "I am a Satanist, and every October, in preparation for Halloween, we fast and pray to our lord that he will destroy Christian families. We see him answering our prayers a little more each year as more and more supposed Christians embrace Halloween, Ouija boards, and the occult. We are winning, ma’am—we are winning."


by Warren G. Lamb



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[1]  "13 Spooky Ouija Board Stories That Will Give You Chills," Reader’s Digest online, January 6, 2023, https://www.rd.com/list/ouija-board-stories/; "10 Chilling Crimes Involving Ouija Boards," Reader’s Digest online December 2, 2022,  https://www.rd.com/list/chilling-crimes-involving-ouija-boards/

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