Deaf Biblical Counseling Partnership
2.7 Million Veterans Have Service-Connected Hearing Disabilities or Are in Treatment for Hearing-Related Issues
60,000 Military Members Are on Disability for Hearing Loss From Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom
These staggering facts from the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) and the United States Department of Veteran Affairs, combined with exacerbation of PTS and existing need for treatment through Certified Biblical Counseling has led Fallen Soldiers Ministries to an important and exciting partnership with Deaf Biblical Counseling.
Dealing with the emotional trauma of PTS is every bit as difficult, and often times more difficult, than dealing with the physical injuries sustained in battle. When combined with tinnitus, hearing loss, or hearing related issues, the effects are magnified and the difficulty returning to a "normal" life can be insurmountable without assistance.
Fallen Soldiers Ministries has taken a hands-on, practical approach to helping address these issues by providing the type of counsel that comes directly from God’s Word and is empowered by God’s Spirit. This is exactly what our Veterans need to handle their PTS and all "Consequences of War", in a way that glorifies God and provides them true, everlasting healing. Our vision is to provide counsel that comes directly from God’s Word and is empowered by God’s Spirit.
Now, by partnering with Deaf Biblical Counseling, we can create a broader and more inclusive program.
In addition to Veterans, Fallen Soldiers Ministries also recognizes the trauma faced by our First Responders, Law Enforcement Officers, Firemen, EMTs, as well as Nurses and Physicians in our hospitals. We are also offering our counseling to these individuals in recognition of their sacrifice and selfless efforts to help others.
Recently FSM has launched a series of Soul Care Conferences:
Healing Our Communities: Returning Biblical Soul Care and Discipleship to the Local Church
Now is the ideal time for the church to be better prepared to minister compassionate hope and healing
from God’s Word to the troubled and the in-trouble.
Our new partnership with Deaf Biblical Counseling will provide another important tool to assist churches.
Are you in need of counseling or know somebody who could benefit from Biblical Counseling?
The first step to receiving counseling - including those with hearing disabilities - is to create an account through Biblicare:
BibliCare is a Secure and Private counseling management tool that allows us to schedule and track our Biblical Counseling ministry.
As a result of this new partnership, FSM will now work directly with Deaf Biblical Counseling to match counselors with those in need.
Authentic Biblical Counseling is rooted and grounded on the inerrancy, authority, and sufficiency of the Word of God in all matters regarding life and faith.
We encourage anyone seeking help to review both the FSM Statement of Practice which largely mirrors the DBC Statement of Faith:
For more information on Deaf Biblical Counseling, please visit their website:
If you would like to learn more we also have several resources:
VA Fact Sheet:
Hearing Health Foundation: https://
Hearing Loss Association of America: