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A 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Dedicated to
Providing Certified Biblical Counseling
and Veteran Advocacy

Pat Devine, Lieutenant Colonel, US Army, Retired

Pat Devine, Lieutenant Colonel, US Army, Retired

Pat Devine, Lieutenant Colonel, US Army, Retired

Pat Devine (Lieutenant Colonel, US Army (Retired)), served on active duty for 21 years and sees FSM as an important connection for continuing service to soldiers and their families long after they leave the military. He is thankful to be serving as an FSM advisory board member because he feels that FSM’s mission and service says "thank you for your service" in a real, meaningful, and life-changing way through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The military life is a major part of Pat’s experience. His immediate family (parents, siblings, and brother-in-law) have over 75 years of combined active military service. Previously a field artillery officer, Pat completed seminary in 2004 (Missio Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, formerly Biblical Theological Seminary) and served the local church in the Philadelphia region (Fly Eagles, Fly!).

Pat returned to active duty as a chaplain in 2008 and has spent a total of 31 months forward deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan as a battalion and brigade chaplain with the 82nd Airborne Division, the 25th Infantry Division, and the 4th Infantry Division. He has seen the devastating effects of war on soldiers and their families in a personal way. His passion is to help others experience biblical change as they personally confront the consequences of war. 

Pat lives near Spartanburg, SC with Tana, his wife of over 30 years, who completed the M.A.BC from Masters University in 2020 and is an ACBC certified counselor.

The positions and opinions expressed by Pat Devine are his own and do not necessarily represent the views of the United States Government, the Department of Defense, or the United States Army.


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