Fallen Soldiers Ministries®

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A 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Dedicated to
Providing Certified Biblical Counseling
and Veteran Advocacy

Advisory Board

Advisory Board

Karen Weigand, Chief FSM Editor

August 27th, 2019

Karen Weigand, Chief FSM Editor, Founder / Owner of Christian Editing Services Karen Weigand feels honored to serve on the Fallen Soldiers Ministries (FSM) Advisory Board. She says, "I have the highest regard for people serving in the military, both now and in the past, and for their families. They make sacrifices beyond what many […]


Suzzanne Bonn, ACBC Biblical Counselor

August 14th, 2019

Suzzanne Bonn, ACBC Certified Biblical Counselor, Director of Biblical Counseling at Arcade Church, Ranger Mom Background: Suzzanne Bonn has been involved in biblical counseling for 21 years, having helped start four biblical counseling ministries in four different churches, and currently serving as Director of Biblical Counseling Ministries at Arcade Church in Sacramento, CA, where she serves […]


Dr. Nicolas Ellen, ACBC Certified Biblical Counselor and Fellow

June 30th, 2019

Dr. Nicolas Ellen, Senior Pastor of Community Faith Bible Church, Senior Professor of Biblical Counseling at the College of Biblical Studies, ACBC Certified Biblical Counselor and Fellow There are many challenges soldiers face as they seek to serve their country and serve their families. Being a biblical counselor who has had the privilege of serving […]


Dr. Mark E. Shaw, ACBC Biblical Counselor

May 17th, 2019

Dr. Mark E. Shaw joyfully accepted the opportunity to serve on the advisory board of FSM because of its focus on biblical counseling for veterans. Having counseled those who have served in the armed services, his passion is to tenderly speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15-16) believing God's Word transforms the heart by the […]


Andrew Rogers, ACBC Biblical Counselor

May 17th, 2019

Warmly welcomed, are ministries that seek to bring the all-sufficient Word of God to bear on the life experiences of those who serve in the United States Armed Forces. Being one who is sensitive to their experiences and committed to the life only God’s Word can bring, I am excited to serve on the advisory […]


Mark Worrell, U.S. Army Chaplain, ACBC Biblical Counselor

April 19th, 2019

Mark Worrell joined the Fallen Soldiers Ministries Advisory Board as he saw the desire FSM had to build bridges to connect struggling Service members, veterans, and retirees with the life changing message of the Gospel. Deployments, training, and the ever present challenge of military life take a toll on our lives, our families, and can […]


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